Abstracts of Technical Articles by Bell System Authors (01 October 1943)
01 October 1943
Abstracts of Technical Articles by Bell System Authors Par aeon--A New Polyester Rubber} B. S. BIGGS and C. S. FULLER. Chem. and Engg. News, June 25, 1943. Indus. & Engg. Chemistry, Analytical Edition, July 1943. Indus. & Engg. Chem., April 1943. 397 398 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL determine the temperature at which rubber and similar materials fracture under variable bending stress.
Although the brittle temperature is sharply defined under high-speed bending through a sharp angle, it is lower as the speed of application or the magnitude of the stress is reduced. In some instances decreases of more than 28°C. in brittle temperature resulted from reductions in bending stress such as might be encountered in service. Vulcanized pure gum natural rubber and plasticized polyvinyl chlorideacetate copolymer showed the largest changes, whereas the compounded and vulcanized natural and synthetic rubbers involved in this study exhibited a reduction in brittle temperature from 5° to 10° C. in going from the highest to the lowest stress employed.
American Science Mobilizes for Victory. ROBERT W . KING. There are no accomplishments of the Bell System in which its men and women take greater pride than those marking the continuous activities in developing and applying the art of communication. The Bell Telephone Laboratories' accomplishments, reflected for decades in improved instrumentalities and systems for the transmission of electrical signals and speech, have been possible because vast resources of scientific knowledge have been devoted as part of the System's general responsibility to the public, to a broad and fundamental program of exploration, experiment and design.