Abstracts of Technical Articles from Bell System Sources (01 July 1936)
01 July 1936
Another phase of radio with automobiles is the use of broadcast receivers in pleasure cars. Under-the-car antennas, made necessary by introduction of all metal automobile tops, inclusion of the radio control as a part of the instrument board, and the use of circuits for reducing ignition noise are the more important features of 1935 developments. Photons and Electrons.2 KARLK . DARROW . In a book entitled "Biological Effects of Radiation" edited by Professor B. M. Duggar of the University of Wisconsin, Dr. Darrow contributes the first chapter of 42 pages.
In descriptive and brief manner the following topics are discussed: Waves and Corpuscles; Monochromatic light and measurement of wave-length; External photoelectric effect and measurement of photon energy; Units of wave-length, wave number, frequency, and photon energy; Regions of the spectrum; Absorption of light by atoms; Continua in absorption spectra, and ionization by light; Theory of absorption lines; Terms; Absorption in X-ray region; Emission of light; X-ray emission spectra; Production of X-rays; Production of light of the optical spectrum; Scattering of light without change of frequency; Scattering of light with change of frequency; Scattering of X-rays; Transmutation of electron-pairs and photons. Neutralizing Transformer to Protect Power Station Communication.3 E . E . GEORGE , R . K . HONAMAN , L . L . LOCKROW, E . L . SCHWARTZ.