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Acronyms and Abbreviations For Voice Storage System

01 May 1982

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MWT NAC OSS PC PCC PCD POTS PUC RA RAM RC SCAM SMC SO SO T T Y SPC SRC SSD SSP STC T TAC TLM TMSDS TNDS TSPS TST TTY UPS VAC VP VM VU see vss message waiting tone network administrative center operations support system privacy code privacy code change power control and distribution frame "plain old telephone service" Public Utility Commission remote access random-access memory resistance-capacitance service circuit access matrix switching control center storage media controller service order service order teletypewriter stored program control service circuit service specified delivery system status panel state table controller TRIPORT cabinet trunk access circuit trouble location manual time multiplexed space division switch total network data system traffic service position system test frame teletypewriter uninterruptible power supply voice access circuit voice presence voice storage system voice manager volume unit 914 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL, MAY-JUNE 1982