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Adaptive blind identification of SIMO systems using channel cross-relation in the frequency domain

06 April 2003

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The implementation of existing methods for blind identification of single-input multiple-output (SIMO) systems is limited in practice since they are difficult to execute in an adaptive mode and are, in general, computationally intensive. We extend our previous study (Huang, Y. and Benesty, J., Sig. Processing, vol.82, no.8, p.99-110, 2002) into the frequency domain and propose an unconstrained normalized multi-channel frequency-domain LMS (UNMCFLMS) algorithm. Numerical simulations show that the UNMCFLMS algorithm performs as well as (for a SIMO system with relatively short channel impulse responses) or better than (for a SIMO system with long channel impulse responses) its time-domain counterpart and the cross-relation (CR) batch method in practical situations.