Adaptive closed-loop power control with quantized feedback and loop filtering
01 January 2002
Power control is important in maintaining the communication link quality under fading and interference situations. In recent years, research on power control has been conducted toward reducing power consumption while maintaining reliable link quality. These previous works, however, did not try to optimize power control algorithms under practical constraints. In this paper, we first observe and provide some insights into the previous works on different aspects of power control schemes. These observations motivate us to propose a new power control scheme which has several novel features: it uses an adaptive optimal quantizer at the receiver for transmitting discrete feedback information and an adaptive quantization scaler/restorer followed by a loop filter at the transmitter. Optimal quantization minimizes the feedback,information loss and the additional power control error caused by it, while the loop filter can be designed to achieve the lowest power control error. Optimization of the loop filter requires some computational power. Fortunately, filter self-design capability can be implemented. In that case, closed-loop power control can be seen as an, instance of a general channel identification problem. Intuitive explanation, together with analysis and simulation results of the proposed scheme will be given.