Adaptive Massive MIMO for fast moving connected vehicles: it will work with the Predictor Antenna!
The document is an extended abstract, which is submitted to the Workshop on Smart Antenna 2018. Abstract: Predicting the channel between a massive multiple input multiple output antenna and a car, when the car moves by one wavelength after the prediction, is a challenge. This issue prevents from using fifth generation best adaptive antennas for very fast moving connected vehicles. In this paper, for the first time, based on drive tests and channel measurements from a 64-element antenna to a car, we show that, thanks to the predictor antenna, the predicted channel (even when the car moves by 3 wavelength after the prediction) is 10 times more precise in terms of normalised mean square error than the reference case where no predictor antenna is used and the car moves by one wavelength after the prediction. This first experiment shows that the predictor antenna concept is a potential solution to make fifth generation adaptive antennas work for very fast moving connected vehicles.