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Admission Control for Multihop Wireless Backhaul Networks with QoS Support

01 January 2006

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Despite improvements in wireless access technologies such as 3G or 802.11x, ubiquitous data access has remained a challenge, mainly due to the lack of inexpensive, pervasive backhaul connections from access points to the Internet. With the recent WiMAX standard for high-speed, non-line-of-sight fixed wireless links, multihop wireless backhauls might now overcome this bottleneck. However an important remaining challenge is to provide rate and delay guarantees for customer connections similar to wired backhauls. We provide several schemes for performing admission control for connections with QoS requirements over a multihop wireless backhaul. This is the first work to address both rate {em and} delay requirements for connections. Our admission control algorithms first construct appropriate tree-based topologies connecting wireless backhaul nodes to a wired gateway and then admit the best subset of connections while respecting their rate and delay requirements. Alternately, we admit all the connections with appropriate degradation of their QoS requirements.