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Adsorption and Catalysis on Nickel-Germanium Bimetallic Surfaces: From Single Crystals to High Surface Area Materials

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Surface compound formation radically perturbs the activity of nickel in catalyzing simple hydrocarbon transformations. These effects can be manifested as either surface poisoning or as moderations and/or enhancements of catalytic activity and selectivity. In this talk we will concentrate on these latter effects and discuss the chemisorption and catalytic properties of both single crystalline and supported nickel germanium intermetallics. The concepts developed from fundamental UHV studies (high resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and temperature programmed desorption), will be applied directly to results obtained using high surface area, supported materials to predict and explain such observables as changes in the rate law, isotopic substitution patterns, and modes of catalytic deactivation.