Alarm Statistics of the Violation Monitor and Remover
01 October 1976
Alarm Statistics of the Violation Monitor and Remover By G. S. FANG (Manuscript received March 1, 1976) Four of the Bell System digital transmission systems, T1 Outstate, T2, SA-RDS (radio system at T3 rate), and TJ^M, have violation monitor and removers ( V M R S ) located at the receiving-end maintenance offices. Among other things, they monitor the lines, remove violations in the pulse transmission code, and generate alarms to initiate maintenance actions. This paper investigates the alarm statistics of the four types of VMR under the assumption that the information bits are statistically independent. It is found that all the VMRS have very sharp alarm thresholds. The results of the TIfM VMR are presented in detail. Curves are given to show the various statistics obtained.