An Auger investigation of the effects of rapid thermal annealing on GaAs on Si with or without intermediate Ge layers.
01 January 1989
Scanning Auger analyses have been preformed on angle lapped GaAs/Ge, Ge/Si, GaAs/Si, and GaAs/Ge/Si structures grown by vacuum evaporation and MOCVD techniques. Elemental Auger line scans are shown to have an inherent spatial resolution of 40 - 45angstroms as a result of the angle of lapping, electron beam diameter, and Auger electron escape depth. To minimize the effects of artifacts such as residual lapping and Ar sup + sputtering damage and electron back scattering, the interfacial width, W sub i, for each species i, is defined by the difference (in angstroms) between the point where the Auger intensity is 75% of the full intensity in that layer (1 sub i = 0.751 sub (io)) and the point where the Auger intensity is 25% of the full intensity in that layer (1 sub i = 0.251 sub (io). These structures have interfaces that are 50 - 150angstroms wide.