An Empirical Outdoor-to-Indoor Path Loss Model From Below 6 GHz to cm-Wave Frequency Bands
23 May 2017
This letter presents an empirical multifrequency outdoor-to-indoor path loss model. The model is based on measurements performed on the exact same set of scenarios for different frequency bands ranging from traditional cellular allocations below 6 GHz (0.8, 2, 3.5, and 5.2 GHz), up to centimeter (cm)-wave frequencies (10, 18, and 28 GHz). The model has applicability similar to the typical 3GPP and ITU-R outdoor-to-indoor simplified models, including the multifrequency formulation recently included in the 3GPP TR 38.900. This letter highlights some of the details behind these simplified models and provides additional modeling for internal multiwall attenuation and associated shadow fading.