An Energy-Aware Protocol for Self-Organizing Heterogeneous LTE Systems
01 January 2013
This paper studies the problem of self-organizing heterogeneous LTE systems. We propose a model that jointly considers several important characteristics of heterogeneous LTE system, including the usage of orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA), the frequencyselective fading for each link, the interference among different links, and the different transmission capabilities of different types of base stations. We also consider the cost of energy by taking into account the power consumption, including that for wireless transmission and that for operation, of base stations and the price of energy. Based on this model, we aim to propose a distributed protocol that improves the spectrum efficiency of the system, which is measured in terms of the weighted proportional fairness among the throughputs of clients, and reduces the cost of energy. We identify that there are several important components involved in this problem. We propose distributed strategies for each of these components. Each of the proposed strategies requires small computational and communicational overheads. Moreover, the interactions between components are also considered in the proposed strategies. Hence, these strategies result in a solution that jointly consider all I-Hong Hou is with Computer Engineering and Systems Group & Department of ECE, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA. Email: Chung Shue Chen is with Network Technologies, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, Centre de Villarceaux, 91620 Nozay, France.