An Experimental Data Block Switching System
01 July 1972
An Experimental Data Block Switching System By W. J. KROPFL (Manuscript received February 23, 1971) In a companion paper, J. R. Pierce has described a novel data communication network which makes use of a hierarchy of interconnected rings or loops. The basic elements necessary to realize this network are called "A," "B," and "C" stations. Data blocks are circulated on closed loops formed by the interconnection of "A" and "B" stations. The "B" stations provide user access to the network while one "A" station on each loop performs supervisory functions. Isolated loops are interconnected by "C" stations. This paper describes an experimental hardware implementation of specific "A" and "B" station designs which operate via a T1 carrier system loop. A hog prevention technique is incorporated into the system which prevents any group of stations from monopolizing a loop. A likely "C" station realization and loop transferring algorithm is outlined. A bypass box which would automatically remove malfunctioning stations from the loop is also described.