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An Interference-Aware Precoding Scheme with Other-Cell Interference for Downlink Multi-User MIMO Channel

06 September 2010

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We propose a linear precoding technique, called multiuser generalized eigenmode transmission (MGET), based on the leakage-based precoding technique. A signal-to-leakage-plus-noise (SLNR) precoding scheme is one approach for linear precoding in the multiple-input multiple-output broadcast channel that sends multiple data streams to different users in the same cell. Unfortunately, SLNR-based scheme neglects other-cell interference, which limits the performance of users at the edge of the cell. MGET addresses the shortcomings of previous SLNR-based beamformers by presenting an interference-aware enhancement to SLNR precoding scheme that uses a whitening filter for interference suppression at the receiver and a novel precoder using the interference-plus-noise covariance matrix for each user at the transmitter. Numerical results show that the proposed MGET technique outperforms the traditional block diagonalization (BD) linear technique in reasonable SINR regime.