Analysis of Field-Aided, Charge-Coupled Device Transfer
01 April 1975
Copyright © 1975, American Telephone and Telegraph Company. Printed in U.S.A. Analysis of Field-Aided, Charge-Coupled Device Transfer By J. McKENNA and N. L. SCHRYER ( M a n u s c r i p t r e c e i v e d A u g u s t 7 , 1974) We study the numerical solution of a nonlinear, partial-differential equation that describes charge transport in a model of a charge-coupled device (CCD). This model differs from previous models in that field-aiding of the transfer is taken into account. Although a derivation of the transport equation is given, the main emphasis in the paper is on the numerical techniques involved, and no actual numbers are presented. Actual numerical results based on the techniques developed here can be found in several recent design studies. The equation, which is parabolic, has one space dimension and one time dimension. Galerkin's method, with standard chapeau functions, is used to discretize in space. This results in a very stiff system of nonlinear, ordinary, differential equations. To solve these equations, we use a first-order backward Euler scheme coupled with extrapolation. A number of alternative schemes were tried and found to be inadequate.