Analysis of proxy MIPv6 performance compared to fast MIPv6
01 January 2008
One of the main challenges in future ldquoAll-IPrdquo networks is to guarantee seamless mobility with minimal or even without any interaction from the user. The Network-based Localized Mobility Management (NETLMM) working group is currently developing Proxy MIPv6 (PMIPv6), which tries to support terminal mobility without involving the MN. This paper analyzes PMIPv6 and evaluates it compared to the well known Fast MIPv6 (FMIPv6) protocol with respect to the handoff interruption time in different radio access technologies. The analysis has been done by means of simple analytical models. The obtained results show that the best performance can be achieved by FMIPv6 in predictive mode. The access technology has a major impact on the handoff interruption time. PMIPv6 and FMIPv6 in reactive mode perform almost comparable using a fast radio access technology. However, for slower radio access technologies, PMIPv6 shows a better performance over FMIPv6 in reactive mode. PMIPv6 is more robust than FMIPv6 against control message dropping.