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AnyTraffic Routing Algorithm for Label-Based Forwarding

01 January 2009

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The high capacity provided by packet-switched networks is supporting the proliferation of bandwidth intensive multimedia applications which require multicasting capability. As a consequence on today's networks, unicast and multicast traffic compete for shared resources where a router must maintain both unicast and multicast forwarding states. Pursuing a forwarding state reduction, in this paper we introduce the novel concept of Any Traffic data group which consists of a group of nodes receiving both unicast and multicast traffic over the same single minimum-cost network entity. A novel heuristic algorithm is specifically defined to accommodate such data group and has been compared with the standard shortest path (SP) algorithm - the optimal case for unicast routing - and a classical Sterner tree (ST) heuristic algorithm - the optimal case for multicast routing. Exhaustive experiments have been performed to validate the proposed algorithm.