Blind Source Separation Based on Multi-User Kurtosis Criteria
01 January 2000
A novel technique for the blind source separation (BSS) of mutually independent and identically distributed i.i.d. discrete-time sequences is presented. The observed signals are assumed mixed through a narrow-band (memoryless) multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) noisy channel and are then processed by a linear MIMO receiver, whose outputs should ideally match the transmitted signals. In the proposed approach (called the Multi-User Kurtosis (MUK) algorithm), the linear receiver's matrix setting is computed adaptively based on the optimization of a constrained statistical criterion that involves only second and fourth order statistics of the receiver's output. At each iteration, the algorithm combines a stochastic gradient adaptation with a Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization that enforces its criterion's constraints. The analysis of its stationary points (pre-sented in [1],[2]), reveals that it is globally convergent to a zero forcing-ZF )or decorrelating) solution, both in the absence of noise and in the presence os spatio-temporally white additive Gaussian noise.