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BRACE: Cloud-based Software Reliability Assurance

23 October 2017

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The evolution towards virtualized network functions (VNFs) is expected to enable service agility within the telecommunications industry. To this end, the software (or VNFs) from which such services are composed must be developed and delivered over very short time scales. In order to guarantee the required levels of software quality within such tight schedules, software reliability tools must evolve. In particular, the tools should provide development teams spread across geography and time with reliable and actionable insights regarding the development process. In this paper, we present BRACE - a cloud-based integrated, one-stop center for software reliability tools. BRACE is home to tools for software reliability modeling, testing, and defect analysis each of which is provided as-a-service to development teams. Initial implementation of BRACE includes a software reliability growth modelling (SRGM) tool. The SRGM tool is currently being used to enable real time prediction of the total number of defects in software being developed, and for providing the required analytics and metrics to enable managers make informed decisions regarding resource allocation for defect correction so as to meet set deadlines.