Broadcasting in Japan
01 January 1927
The author first traces the development of broadcasting in Japan, and describes the stations at Tocirckyocirc, Osaka and Nagoya. The first station, constructed on Atago Hill, began operation in July, 1925, on a wave-length of 375 m., the equipment being in duplicate. One of the broadcasting sets is the Western Electric 106A, rated at an antenna input of 1 kW, and the other is of local manufacture. The antenna is of the flat-top type with an effective length of about 20 m., suspended between two steel towers 50 m. high. The Osaka station uses a W.E. 101-B set operating on a wave-length of 385 m., and the Nagoya station operates on 360 m. with an antenna input of 1 kW. The early receiving-set regulations, programmes, results and plans for expansion are also discussed.