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Cable and Repeater Handling System

01 July 1964

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T h e underwater portion of a modern submarine cable system is composed of three basic components; cable, repeaters and equalizers. These are delivered to dockside as individual items, and the handling of these units from this point to the time when the}'' leave the ship on t h e way to the ocean bottom is the work of the cable and repeater handling system. The planning of arrangements and procedures, and the design of equipment and details to implement the following operations are included in the handling system: (1) movement from dockside to appropriate stowage positions aboard ship, (2) connection of components into a transmission system, (3) cable test during loading, (4) system test during laying, (5) preparation of repeaters and equalizers for launching, (6) control of cable and repeater movement during laying, and (7) cable jointing for laying and repair. For the performance of these operations, the following requirements were set for equipment and arrangements: (1) cable to be handled in a fashion to avoid damage from bending, twist, abrasion and tension; (2) repeaters stowed and handled to avoid excessive shock and extremes of temperature; (3) stowage of cable simplified to avoid possibility of cable fouling 1373