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Capacity of differential versus nondifferential unitary space-time modulation for MIMO channels

01 August 2006

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Differential unitary space-time modulation (DUSTM) and its earlier nondifferential counterpart, USTM, permit high-throughput multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication entirely without the possession of channel state information by either the transmitter or the receiver. For an isotropically random unitary input we obtain the exact closed-form expression for the probability density of the DUSTM received signal, permitting the straightforward Monte Carlo evaluation of its mutual information. We compare the performance of DUSTM and USTM through both numerical computations of mutual information and through the analysis of low- and high-signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) asymptotic expressions. In our comparisons the symbol durations of the equivalent unitary space-time signals are equal to T. For DUSTM the number of transmit antennas is constrained by the scheme to be M = T/2, while USTM has no such constraint. If DUSTM and USTM utilize the same number of transmit antennas at high SNRs the normalized mutual information of the two schemes expressed in bits/s/Hz are asymptotically equal, with the differential scheme performing somewhat better. At low SNRs the normalized mutual information of DUSTM is asymptotically twice the normalized mutual information of USTM. If, instead, USTM utilizes the optimum number of transmit antennas then USTM can outperform DUSTM at sufficiently low SNRs.