Channel codes based on hidden puncturing with applications to hybrid in band on channel digital audio broadcasting systems
01 September 2006
In this work, a new approach of designing channel codes for partial band interference channels based on ``Hidden Puncturing{''} is introduced. This technique does not require explicit estimation of the interferer. We investigate the performance of specially designed rate 1/2 convolutional codes with Viterbi decoding and rate 1/2 Turbo codes in an example scenario with partial band FM interference. For comparison, we also give results for Turbo codes for schemes with no interference. We show by means of simulations that for Gaussian as well as for a variety of multipath fading profiles, a significant Turbo channel coding gain compared to a conventional Viterbi system can be achieved. Thereby the performance of optimal combining, which requires optimal estimation of the interferer, can be approached very closely in various scenarios.