Channel Prediction by Doppler-Delay analysis
01 January 2013
Base station cooperation is envisioned as a key technology in future mobile networks, as it reduces the interference between adjacent cells and promises enhancement of spectral efficiency. However, impairments due to channel aging during feedback delay as well as channel estimation and quantization errors are limiting the potential gains. Here we derive a MIMO signal model with base station cooperation that includes impairment effects. We evaluate the mean square error (MSE) due to channel aging and we investigate a novel channel prediction method based on a Doppler - Delay decomposition of the channel. Channel tap delays and complex-valued weights are estimated by an IFFT-based method. For each channel, the main Doppler components are estimated by a high resolution estimation algorithm, based on the recent history of the tap. Channel prediction is performed for each channel tap based on the Doppler - Delay information and results show that the MSE can be significantly reduced. In the full paper version signal to interference ratio (SIR) evaluation considering base station cooperation will be also included.