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Characteristics of GaAs Heterojunction FETs (HFETs) and Source Follower FET Logic (SFFL) Inverters Exposed to High Energy Neutrons

01 December 1989

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GaAs heterojunction field effect transistors (HFETs), and inverters and ring oscillators comprising HFETs have been exposed to neutron fluences of 5 x 10 sup 13 n/cm sup 2 to 1 x 10 sup 15 n/cm sup 2 to evaluate the characteristics of HFET integrated circuits in a weapons environment. 

The HFETs irradiated in this study were fabricated at the AT&T Bell Laboratories GaAs Pilot Line and exhibited pre-irradiation transconductances of approximately 120 mS/mm and threshold voltages of -0.75 V. The degradation in device transconductance and the device threshold shift as a function of neutron fluence are shown in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively.