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Characterizing Filtered Light Waves Corrupted by Phase Noise

01 January 1988

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The phase noise associated with single mode semiconductor lasers must be accounted for in performance studies of lightwave communication systems. The standard phase noise model is a Brownian motion stochastic process. Although many analyses of lightwave communication systems have been published, none, to our knowledge, has fully adhered to the standard model. The reason is that a proper characterization of a filtered lightwave signal had not been achieved. Such a characterization, along with theoretical approaches to obtaining it, are detailed here. We shoe, for example, how to generate probability distribution functions (pdf's) of the magnitude of a filtered laser tone (with special attention to the tail region) and how to analytically represent the characteristic function of the pds in closed form in the small-phase-noise realm. With the characterization in place, the stage is now set for determining the BER performance of advanced detection techniques which seek to mitigate the phase noise impairment.