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Charge ordering and the related structural phase transition in single-crystal (Bi0.24Ca0.76)MnO3

01 May 1999

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A single crystal of (Bi0.24Ca0.76)MnO3 has been extensively studied using both laboratory and synchrotron radiation x-ray scattering. Using x-ray techniques we can directly observe the formation of charge stripes associated with the low-temperature structural phase transition. Weak satellite peaks with a modulation wave vector q approximate to(0.24, 0.24, 0) were observed below the transition temperature. These are associated with the charge ordering of Mn3+ and Mn4+ ions into charge (and spin) stripes within the perovskite structure. Measurements of the temperature dependence of the intensity and width of the charge-ordering satellites over the temperature range 10-240 K were also completed. These demonstrate the first-order nature of the structural phase transition that accompanies the formation of charge and spin ordering. Measurements of the width of the charge-order satellites demonstrate that the correlation length of the charge order is long range at all temperatures, and in all directions, below the structural phase transition. {[}S0163-1829(99)04017-5].