Combined optical-microwave study of electron-exciton dynamic processes in undoped GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells
01 March 2000
Microwave radiation (36 GHz) absorption by photogenerated electrons is combined with photoluminescence (PL and its excitation (PLE) spectra in order to study electron-exciton dynamics under low photoexcitation intensity in undoped GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells. The excitation spectra of the photoinduced microwave absorption (PMA) and the PLE spectra are modified with increasing the lattice temperature from 2 up to 80 K. The observed spectral variations are analyzed using a rate equations model that is based on the main generation-recombination and dissociation processes governing the electron and exciton dynamics. We find that the temperature dependence of the PMA excitation spectrum can be well accounted for by assuming both thermal and non-thermal, Auger-like exciton dissociation mechanisms. The model fitting yields an estimate of the rate coefficients for the exciton formation and dissociation processes.