Project overview
We are pioneering the scientific frontier of quantum computing with our world-leading experimental topological quantum computing program. Built on our Nobel Prize winning discovery of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect, we are conducting fundamental studies of the macroscale quantum states achievable in ultra-pure GaAs quantum well systems.
Unlike competing quantum systems that suffer from rapid decoherence and short-range entanglement that prohibit scalability to the size needed for practical QC applications, our systems offer ultra-stable states (>10hours) and potential long-range quantum interaction. Our highly collaborative small but growing team leverages advanced facilities that include multiple dilution refrigerators, on-site nanofabrication capabilities, and advanced test and measurement equipment. We aim to create the fundamental understanding of topological quantum systems that will unlock the next era of computation.
Top panels: Schematic and SEM images of quantum interference devices fabricated and tested at Bell Labs. Bottom figures: Resistance measured across the devices versus magnetic field showing interference oscillations consistent with the even-odd effect of non-Abelian quasiparticles (schematic) and showing p phase changes consistent with change in the topological state. Detailed information available in Willett et. al., Interference measurements of non-Abelian e/4 & Abelian e/2 quasiparticle braiding. arXiv, 2021.
Project members
APA style publications
R. L. Willett, et al., “Interference Measurements of Non-Abelian e/4 & Abelian e/2 Quasiparticle Braiding,” Phys. Rev. X 13, 011028 (2023). (Link)
Willett, “Magnetic field-tuned Aharonov–Bohm oscillations and evidence for non-Abelian anyons at ν = 5/2”. PRL, 2013.
Upcoming publications:
Willett, et. al. “Testing non-Abelian and Abelian statistics by controlled single quasiparticle addition to quantum Hall interferometers” in preparation.
Willett, et. al. “Properties effecting phase changes associated with putative fermion parity in the non-Abelian states at 7/2 and 5/2” in preparation.
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