High scores in Bloomberg GEI and Best Place to Work for LGBTQ+ Equality

Nokia participates yearly in two main benchmarks, the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index (GEI) and Workplace Pride. These evaluations provide us valuable insights which have a direct impact on our I&D agenda and activities. In the 2022 Bloomberg GEI, Nokia achieved a 73.67 percent score compared to the tech industry average of 69.63 percent providing us a comparison with 418 companies.
For about 15 years, we have also participated in the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index (CEI) to measure our LGBT+ equality. Again, this year, we achieved a score of 100 percent earning the designation as a ‘Best Place to Work for LGBTQ+ Equality 2022’. The results of the 2022 CEI showcase how 1,271 participating companies are not only promoting LGBTQ+-friendly workplace policies in the U.S., but also for the 56 pecent of them with global operations are helping advance the cause of LGBTQ+ inclusion in workplaces globally.
Bloomberg developed their gender equality index to track the performance of those companies committed to supporting gender equality through policy development, representation and data. As the investors’ demand for ESG products increases, the GEI offers the investors an opportunity to deep-dive into the Nokia gender data as one factor to help in their decision-making. With a score of 100 percent in data transparency, we make it very easy for investors and customers to follow our progress.
The Bloomberg GEI report gives insight to where we are good at and where we are lagging. The reporting framework includes over 70 metrics, each allocated to one of the five pillars. We receive detailed feedback which we use to drive changes in the organization.
- Female leadership & talent pipeline
During 2021, we set a target to improve our external gender hiring. We also moved to more inclusive hiring, job ads, talent identification and attraction.
Nokia’s score 60.53 percent; Tech industry average score is 47.42 percent
- Equal pay & gender pay parity
We review the gender pay gap every year and are committed to close it should it have opened. We are constantly monitoring the progress and have set actions in place for not opening the gap while hiring.
Nokia: 88.24 percent; Tech: 53.58 percent
- Inclusive culture
We have started the review of the inclusivity of all people policies and are planning to add some new benefits and programs that contribute to a gender inclusive work environment. That work will hopefully be reflected here in 2022.
Nokia: 35.71 percent; Tech: 70.99 percent
- Anti-sexual harassment policies
In 2021, we were named for the fourth consecutive year (2018-2021) and the fifth time overall as one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies® by Ethisphere and were one of three winners in the telecommunications industry. Also, this year all our people went through a mandatory training on unbiased behaviors.
Nokia 80 percent; Tech: 67.73 percent
- Pro-women brand – In 2021, we focused on attracting more women to Nokia and encouraging them to take up STEM education through an extensive pro-women campaign. We also delivered 25 online workshops to our suppliers on Nokia’s labor practices with a deep dive into inclusion and diversity and a special focus on gender balance, ethnic, religious, and sexual minorities.
Nokia: 64.71 percent; Tech: 52.87 percent
We are proud of what we have achieved with the Nokia team. Such results cannot be achieved without relentless focus on progress and a great cross-organizational effort including the Nokia Employee Resource Groups such as StrongHer (Nokia’s a global network of all genders with a focus on women) EQUAL! (Nokia’s LGBT+ inclusion network) and EDGE (Ethnically diverse group of employees), the Nokia business groups and People Organization. Hats off to all!