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Nokia and Honeywell join Numana: A leap toward quantum security in North America

Lock guarding network system

If industries around the world are to tap into the full potential of the Quantum 2.0 era, they’ll need to protect their networks against the quantum threats that will become reality when (not if) Q-Day arrives. But being “quantum safe” is not just about having specific solutions or technologies in place. Quantum-safe is an outcome that we all must work toward — meaning it’s challenging for any one organization to achieve alone and have a global impact.

That’s why Nokia has joined Numana, an ecosystem of likeminded companies working to develop and advance the adoption of emerging technologies. Together, we’ll test and refine solutions that lead to a quantum-safe outcome while also raising awareness of both the perils and promise of a world of quantum-based technologies.

How we’re working with Numana

Based in Montreal, Canada, Numana is a not-for-profit think tank that advances innovative technologies by bringing together and combining the expertise of researchers, developers and businesses. Numana’s ecosystem of collaboration partners includes space technologies provider Honeywell Aerospace Technologies, optical connectivity specialist Ciena, and Canadian communications service providers Bell and Telus — and now Nokia. We bring our strengths to critical areas like IP and optical network infrastructure, along with 100 years of groundbreaking innovations through Nokia Bell Labs.

A key element of this partnership is Numana’s Kirq quantum communication testbed. With locations in three cities in the Canadian province of Quebec (Sherbrooke, Montreal and Quebec City), Kirq is a proving ground for quantum technologies and systems. It offers companies a place to experiment with, validate and demonstrate communications technologies (classical and quantum) under real-world conditions, with various quantum security scenarios and protocols. This reduces costs and minimizes risks for companies interested in offering quantum solutions to the world.

Nokia will bring its quantum-safe networking expertise and cryptographic solutions to this environment, including IP routers and optical transport nodes. Contributions from other partners will include, for example, quantum key distribution technology from Honeywell Aerospace Technologies that makes it possible to deliver quantum-safe cryptographic keys from space to data centers, applications and networks on Earth.

As part of this ecosystem, Nokia will enhance the Kirq facility through quantum-safe networks (QSN), which are based on a defense-in-depth framework that integrates various key distribution techniques to ensure crypto-agility and crypto-resiliency for applications and networks. Layered encryption also enables organizational cyber-resilience and lowers the risk of quantum threats.

Similar to initiatives in Europe and the Asia-Pacific regions, this North American regional hub will raise awareness in Canada and the United States about quantum security threats and demonstrate the crucial role of network connectivity in combating these threats. In doing so, it will help usher in what the World Economic Forum  has termed a quantum-secure economy — one where organizations can pursue the opportunities of quantum technologies while protecting against its threats.

It would be easy to think of this facility as a “yet another lab” for experimentation and research on quantum-safe networking. But we see a bigger role that includes helping organizations everywhere understand the need to move now to counteract quantum security threats — and empowering them to act by demonstrating different solutions and approaches. Ultimately, it’s about creating a trust-enabling bridge to the many exciting opportunities that lie ahead for our economies in the Quantum 2.0 era.

QNS diagram

Building trust through partnership

Nokia’s strategic partnership with Numana is yet another demonstration of the important role of collaboration and high-performance networks in forging a quantum-safe future. By expanding our network of specialized partners, we expand our innovation capabilities — creating greater potential to realize and maintain a quantum-safe outcome.

The North America quantum-safe hub will get us closer to realizing this outcome through three main avenues:

  1. Education and training: Numana and its ecosystem partners, including Nokia, will organize and host workshops and seminars that cover the latest quantum-safe technology developments. Hands-on training sessions to build skills and understanding of quantum-safe solutions are another possibility.

  2. Ecosystem development: By forming consortia with industry leaders, Numana, Nokia and its strategic partners will advance development of best practices for quantum-safe networks, ensuring “quantum safe” is not just a label but a true outcome. Partnerships with universities and research institutions will promote innovation while creating a pipeline of skilled graduates ready to step into and help further advance the field. Support for private equity incubators and accelerators will help new companies develop and launch their quantum-safe offerings.

  3. Research and development: Research and development will be a core activity of this facility. Collaborative research projects will explore new solutions and technologies for quantum-secure network connectivity, while innovation labs will seek to develop leading-edge quantum-safe network solutions.

Safeguarding our digital future

It will take an all-hands effort to establish the secure and trusted environment organizations need to thrive in the Quantum Secure Economy.  That’s the reasoning behind Nokia’s strategic partnership with Numana. Together with our collaborators in this ecosystem, we’ll demonstrate the solutions and infrastructure that will deliver quantum-safe outcomes. We also look forward to contributing to future advances that will help the world act together to access the many benefits of quantum technologies. That’s the power of n.

Learn more about Nokia Quantum-Safe Networks.

Martin Charbonneau

About Martin Charbonneau

Martin Charbonneau is a seasoned professional in Nokia’s Network Infrastructure Business Group. Martin’s current focus is Quantum-Safe networking, recognizing the urgency of securing communication infrastructures against quantum threats. Martin was raised and educated in Canada, including a bachelor’s degree from the Canadian Royal Military College (RMC, St-Jean, Canada). He is currently based in Canada’s capital city, Ottawa.

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