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For the LGBT+ community and Allies


Embracing diversity without judgment

There are still many countries in the world today where even talking about LGBT+ is difficult. Our goal in NOKIA POLAND PRIDE is to provide support and a sense of belonging to those people in Nokia Poland, who are part of or involved with the LGBT+ community. Our aim is to break down the barriers that prevent people from being themselves and talking openly.

On this page

Starting small, walking tall

Among the first activities of our employee resource group was a “Safe Space Meeting” series for members to openly talk in a friendly circle of people about their everyday workplace experience and ideas on how the company can create a more accepting environment for employees. Nowadays, we also arrange “Pride Talks”, where non-members can get more insight about the community and its struggles. Non-member colleagues can understand the group through the real-life experience of members. Another activity is the support we give the HR/People Care team with regard to line management training, hiring procedures, onboarding and specific personal situations.

Sometimes it’s enough to let people know they’re not alone. Often, we are a platform to discourage microaggression or to leverage alliances. If the situation demands, we are able to direct people to professional resources and resolution services.

Marching into the future

With almost 50 members joining during our first month, NOKIA POLAND PRIDE was off to a flying start. We have already highlighted potential changes to improve the recruitment process for non-binary and transgender people and to make it easier for people to open up and get support. We gained visibility in Nokia Poland during events like International Coming Out Day and International Day for Tolerance and had a presence in Safe Havens. Why Talk about LGBT+ People in the Workplace?, a report created by Love Does Not Exclude, a
Polish NGO.

Going forward, as well as continuing to roll out core activities, we would like to represent Nokia externally at various marches for equality around Poland. As well as having close cooperation with Nokia’s EQUAL! employee group, we cooperate with external organizations, such as the Proud@Work network, Kultura Rownosci NGO and Milosc nie Wyklucza (Love Does Not Exclude) association.


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