30 May 2024
Nokia to deliver the first-ever Esports event over Wi-Fi technology: The Nokia Apex Legends invitational tournament
Nokia Wi-Fi Beacon powers first-ever Apex Legends Invitational Esports over Wi-Fi charity tournament. Nokia brings world class connectivity to communities worldwide, allowing players to compete and excel on the world gaming scene.
Esports gamers use the Nokia Beacon to wirelessly connect and compete in the Apex Legends game, showcasing its near-deterministic latency and ethernet-like performance.

"Getting high-capacity fiber access to the homes and businesses of our customers across the Pacific Northwest is only half the battle. We must also ensure they have reliable, high-performing whole-home Wi-Fi coverage. Nokia’s world-class Beacon technology is an excellent example that does this, and for some, it’s literally changing the game, allowing those that live in rural areas to effectively compete with professional gamers from around the world in competitive Esports like Apex Legends.”