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EuCNC & 6G Summit 

June 3-6, 2024


EuCNC & 6G Summit

EuCNC & 6G Summit

03 Jun 2024


BE, Antwerp, Flanders Meeting & Convention Center

6G collaborative advantage.

If we want 6G to really matter, we must make collaboration the biggest priority. Nokia is actively partnering with organizations, academia, customers, and governments worldwide to shape the future of mobile communication. In Europe, Nokia is at the forefront of leading flagship projects like Hexa-X-II and 6G-ANNA. This demo provides insight into our involvement in the key collaborative initiatives in Europe, funded by national or European agencies.

Natural-language network.

This demo showcases intent-based self-composing autonomous networks using natural language human-network interfaces. The network uses AI/ML models to interpret the intents, align its resources and capabilities with the expected outcomes, and define the right combination of services and functionalities that will collaborate in a made-to-order closed loop configured to handle the intent. The network is continuously learning from its own actions to improve the efficiency and impact of its autonomous operation, and enable self-adaptation to dynamic network and environmental conditions.

Network digital twin.

The success of mission-critical operations is dependent on a variety of elements, including consistent communication and rapid decision making. Simultaneously, the decision to plan and carry out operations influences the quality of communication in mission-critical scenarios. You cannot solve one problem without jointly solving the other. This demo shows how a joint network and operation digital twin can address the SLA-driven connectivity demands in mission and safety critical operations for open-pit mining.

The role of AI in 6G.

AI is poised to transform the mobile experience. While it is already introduced in 5G as enhancements in many parts of the network, it will go beyond enhancing the network to becoming a foundational technology in 6G. The goal is to increase the overall level of network intelligence and its perception of the surroundings. In this demo, we will showcase the world’s first Interoperable AI solution for wireless air interface, using a pioneering technique called sequential training. It's a research collaboration we've achieved with Qualcomm Technologies.