SReXperts 2022 Americas
US, FL, Orlando
Lab exams
Take the 3.5-hour NRS II Lab Exam (NRSII4A0) in-person at SReXperts on September 14th or September 15th.
Lab Exam Registration
Go to our Lab Exam Registration Tool.
Choose "Purchase a Lab Exam" from the menu on the right.
Choose the "Nokia NRS II Lab Exam".
Choose the Location "SRExperts - Wavelengths - Orlando". Do not choose available times.
Complete the form and submit.
Someone from our team will review your eligibility and be in touch to finalize the payment and exam time.
If you have any questions, please contact
Contact us
Event management
Karen Whitaker
M: +49 171 305 1967
Hotel reservations and registrations
Antony Waite
M: +44 7711 926826