Wavelengths learning and certification offers
May 23-24

Wavelengths 2023 APAC
SG, Shangri-La Singapore
Exclusive learning and certification offers
Access exclusive offers before the event and additional offers when you visit the learning and certification demo in the exhibition.
Stop by our demo for exclusive offers, optical lab demos, talk to our experts, and learn more about the learning and certifications in our Optical Network Certification (ONC) Program.
Get a free set of self-study materials to prepare for any ONC written exam - Choose any one of our self-study materials during the registration process so you can be ready to pass any ONC written exam during our free online exam period.
Take free certification exams - Schedule and take free written exams from our ONC Program from your home or office - Monday, May 22nd to Monday, June 12th. Schedule now
Stop by the Learning Services demo at Wavelengths for more exclusive learning offers.

Contact us
Event management
Karen Whitaker
M: +49 171 305 1967
E: karen.whitaker@nokia.com
Hotel reservation and registration
Conference Works
M: +61 613 9870 2611
E: events@conferenceworks.com.au