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Paul Spruyt

Paul Spruyt

xDSL Strategist for Fixed Access, Alcatel-Lucent


Job Title : xDSL Strategist for Fixed Access, Alcatel-Lucent. Paul Spruyt earned an MS degree in Electronics from the University of Ghent, Belgium, in 1985. In 1995, he obtained a Postgraduate in Telecommunications. He joined the Alcatel Research Center in Belgium in 1989. In 1992 he started working on ADSL and was part of the core team that developed the first integrated ATM ADSL chipset. From 1995 till 1999 Paul Spruyt was responsible for the Alcatel research activities on ADSL and VDSL. In 1999 he was appointed General Manager of the Alcatel VDSL Virtual Company that developed the first DMT VDSL chipset. Since 2002, Paul Spruyt has been responsible for the xDSL technology strategy of Alcatel-Lucent’s leading ASAM and ISAM products. Paul Spruyt also actively contributed to the standardization of ADSL and VDSL in the former U.S. standardization committee T1E1.4 (now NIPP-NAI). Since 2005, he has been a member of the ARCEP Experts Committee for the introduction of new DSL technologies in France. Paul Spruyt received the French Blondel Medal in 2000. He was nominated Alcatel Fellow in 2006 and Bell Labs Fellow in 2010.

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