Building automated intelligence and analytics in optical networks
Optical network automation blog page

The next wave of 5G, cloud and IoT applications will depend on optical services that can provide secure, reliable, high-performance and low-latency connectivity on demand.
To meet these needs, optical network operators need to scale their networks, monetize available capacity and improve operational efficiencies—all without hiring more resources.
Nokia optical network automation delivers the proven use cases and optical network solutions to speed service delivery, reduce network TCO and deliver key business outcomes.
Use cases to fast-track network automation
Optical network automation needs to be faster, easier and focused on the specific challenges operators face.
Our targeted use cases speed up and simplify automation while addressing unique operator challenges.
Read on to learn how to reduce development time, harmonize multivendor implementations and digitize business processes. Explore ways to optimize all key aspects of the network services life cycle, from operations to services and engineering.
Automate to lower costs and speed up optical service delivery
Discover exciting research from Nokia Bell Labs optical networking, data science and physics experts who are investigating new ways to automate optical networks for maximum performance.
Read on to learn how Nokia automation solutions expand infrastructure connectivity service delivery as a shared economy, reduce optical network TCO and protect existing customer SLAs.
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Solution brief

Solution brief
Accelerate Optical Service Deployment from Weeks to Minutes with WaveSuite
Automate End-to-End Service Orchestration with Nokia WaveSuite & Enxoo

White paper