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Edition 5
As technology continues to evolve, we find ourselves at an exciting tipping point, where a number of significant innovations are set to spark incredible change for business, society and the natural world.
Our latest Know, now report explores emerging technology trends of particular importance to enterprises and CSPs. See how quantum computing is helping to transform multiple industries and learn about the value of Web3, the rise of Industry 5.0 and how technology can protect our biodiversity.
Discover the exponential potential of networks.
The march of quantum
Exponential problem solving
With its immense speed and power, quantum computing could solve problems that have plagued science and society for years. In fact, quantum computers can solve complex problems millions of times faster than current supercomputers.
This creates the potential to exponentially advance many industries, from pharmaceuticals to cybersecurity and logistics. Of course, with promise also comes risk. In the wrong hands, this computing power could also be used to break through encryption, compromising data security.
Data democracy is coming
The internet of value
The next phase of the internet will provide more value to more people. Web3 promises a more decentralized online world powered by blockchain. This technology will create an Internet of Value, where people can transfer assets among themselves without the need for a single dominant intermediary.
This means an internet where users no longer need to share personal information with major tech companies to use their services. Instead, they’ll have new ways to search, shop, bank and communicate, where they have more control.

Get ready for Industry 5.0
From welfare to wellbeing
As Industry 5.0 continues to develop, businesses will take a more human-centric approach to their operations – transitioning their focus from economic value to societal value. This means better welfare for workers and increased performance for organizations.
Advanced technologies will be applied to create a more harmonious work environment where humans can collaborate more effectively with machines. This will help improve safety and free workers from mundane, repetitive tasks. In turn, businesses can achieve higher productivity, innovation and customization.
Biodiversity is a necessity
Sustainability relies on tech
Human activities are damaging biodiversity at an alarming rate, vastly degrading the natural resources we need to survive. This decline also harms our ability to discover potentially life-saving drugs, which could be developed from plants and wildlife that are becoming extinct.
Digital technologies can play a vital role in positively changing our world – from reducing our energy consumption to achieving zero carbon emissions. By working together, we can help our planet’s biodiversity recover and build a more sustainable future.

Edition 4
Edition 3
Edition 2
Edition 1
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