CFX-5000 SIP Session Control
Control every service in an all-IP network and enable new subscriber services such as Vo5G, VoLTE, VoWiFi, RCS.
Introducing Nokia IMS Core and Transit controller
The CFX-5000 controls every service in an all-IP network as Common SIP Session Control and makes possible new subscriber services such as Voice over 5G (Vo5G), Voice over LTE (VoLTE), Voice over Wifi (VoWiFi), Rich Communication Services (RCS).
Acting as central transit controller, the CFX-5000 offers session and service control, all using standard interfaces and application triggering mechanisms. Yet it remains flexible enough to allow rapid introduction of new, ARPU-boosting services and applications enabled by Telecom Application Server (TAS) and its Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) in Nokia IMS core.

CFX-5000 enabling current and future IMS services
Fulfillment of voice and video services specified in IR:92 standard, focusing on Voice over IP (VoIP) services over LTE (Long-Term Evolution) networks
Support of IR.94 enabling emergency communication services, supplementary services, and conversational video services within the IMS architecture
Provides seamless IMS services to subscribers attached 4G and 5G from same CFX-5000
Support of further voice access technologies like Voice over HSPA (IR:58) and VoWifi (IR.51)
For end-to-end solution for converged services Rich Communication Suite (RCS) is supported
Supporting Fixed Mobile Convergence regardless of access type
As part of our core portfolio, Nokia CFX-5000 Core, complemented by Nokia Session Border Controller (SBC) for border and transit Controller, reduce time-to-market for services and simplify network evolution.
It has been deployed in many networks worldwide, including the world’s largest live VoLTE service network.
Nokia has been active in IMS standardization bodies and the development of commercial products since the standardization started.
Benefits and features of CFX-5000
Cuts OPEX by using a single core controller for all access types
Easier introduction of new revenue generating services due to reducing interoperability related challenges
For differentiated service offering features and services can be customized
Support of operators who recently migrated to LTE it eases the handovers between LTE and 2G/3G networks.
Complies with all relevant regulations
Enables geo-redundant and non-geo-redundant scenario in a same deployment
Advanced Service Control and advanced routing capabilities with flexible charging support
Improve the product security and strengthen the system against any attacks
Reduced manual steps for deployment time optimization ensure less efforts and optimizes the overall Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
Related solutions and products
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Learn more about voice core




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