Lightspan MF fiber platform
Faster, smarter, greener broadband

Fiber access solutions for a new generation of broadband
The Nokia Lightspan MF is the industry’s first family of software-defined fiber access nodes designed to provide non-blocking delivery of massive scale, high-speed broadband services with 25G PON, 50G PON and beyond.
As broadband shifts from fiber-to-the home to Fiber for Everything, you need a platform that will enable you to connect consumers, businesses, industry 4.0, mobile sites, wholesale and smart cities - all on a single access infrastructure.
Available in different form factors and based on the Nokia Quillion chipset, Lightspan MF optical line terminals (OLT) bring the performance you need to realize the opportunities of a new era of fiber broadband.
Benefits and features
Bring future capabilities – today
Start with a premium platform that will last you for decades to come, as you progressively increase capacity in your existing fiber network.
Keep adding more revenues
Performance that accelerates time-to-market with high revenue generating services.
Excel in network operation efficiency
Automated operations, agile software upgrades, and easy on-boarding of new functionality.
Go green
Decrease your energy bill and carbon footprint with a solution that is 20% more power efficient than the industry average.
Discover the Nokia Lightspan MF portfolio

Entering the Fiber for Everything era
Fiber is the fastest and greenest broadband technology. And it’s future-proof: once deployed, it lasts forever. Today, fiber is everywhere. It passes every street, every building, stretching beyond cities into towns and across rural communities. This makes fiber readily available to connect more than just homes: it can now be used to connect enterprises, Industry 4.0, 5G sites, smart cities, smart meters and much, much more. Fiber-to-the-home is ready to become Fiber for Everything.
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Meet Lightspan MF-8

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