NSP Network
and Service Assurance
Course number: OP00084-V-2107
Course duration: 3 days
Price: €2,400
Course overview
This 3-day hands-on course explores how the NSP’s assurance tools help to triage, prioritize and troubleshoot multiple network and service type issues. Discover how the NSP provides efficient and effective alarm monitoring, network and service health visualizations, dashboards and complete root cause and impact analysis. Learn to use KPI summary views to provide a top-level assessment of overall network and service status. Understand how to access and use integrated analytics and OAM tools to provide a complete, end-to-end solution for the management of Service Level Agreements. This course is based on NSP version 21.11.
Recommended Prerequisites:
Course objectives
After completing the course, students should be able to:
- Perform the necessary tasks for on-boarding NSP assurance applications
- Configure the NSP polling interval
- Configure of NSP application settings, alarm settings and map layout
- Create customized network and/or service supervision views and groups
- Summarize the NSP Network and Service Assurance functions
- Demonstrate usage of the Network Health Dashboard
- Demonstrate using the NSP Fault Management Application to troubleshoot network and service issues;
- Pinpoint and troubleshoot top unhealthy network elements
- Use the alarm list to quickly find root causes and impacts
- Identify and troubleshoot the top alarm types in the network
- Use the Inspector view for root cause analysis
- Demonstrate using the NSP Network Supervision Application to closely monitor and troubleshoot network elements
- Interpret supervision groups and NE tile KPIs
- Use topology, geographical and troubleshooting maps
- Use the event timeline for troubleshooting
- Cross launch analytics reports
- Demonstrate using the NSP Service Supervision Application to closely monitor and troubleshoot service issues
- Interpret supervision groups and individual service KPIs
- Explain how “trending” raises awareness of service issues
- Use the watch view to closely monitor a specific set of services
- Troubleshoot using the service topology view
- Cross launch the NFM-P to view and/or edit the service configuration
Execute on-demand OAM tests - Cross launch analytics reports
Course modules
- Module 1 – NSP Assurance
- NSP Network and Service Assurance functions
- NSP Application Programming Interfaces
- Module 2 – Assurance On-boarding tasks
- NSP polling interval
- Alarm settings
- Creating supervision views and groups
- Map layout
- Application preferences
- Alarm email notifications
- Module 3 – Network Health Dashboard
- Network Health Dashboard Overview
- Network Health Dashboard use case
- Module 4 – Fault Management Application
- Fault Management Application Overview
- Top Unhealthy NEs view
- Alarm list view
- Top Problems view
- Inspector view
- Module 5 – Network Supervision Application
- Network Supervision Application Overview
- Display formats
- Matrix view
- Watch and summary drawers
- NE list and link list views
- Viewing alarms
- Equipment inventory
- Topology view and geographical physical map layout
- Multi-layer view
- Event Timeline
- Analytics Reports
- Network Supervision use case
- Module 6 – Service Supervision Application
- Service Supervision Application overview
- Display formats
- Service list
- Summary and watch drawers
- Viewing service alarms
- Service topology view
- Event Timeline
- On-demand OAM tests
- Analytics reports
- Service Supervision use case