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Nokia Integrated Packet
Transport over WDM

Course number: ER00837
Course duration: 4 days
Price: €3,200

Course overview

This course is designed for network engineers, IT personnel, and network planning personnel who need to learn how to provision and manage Carrier Ethernet services over optical networks, using the Service Router Operating System (SR OS) capabilities of 1830 PSS.

This course introduces key concepts related to transporting Layer 2 traffic through packet-aware optical networks including: Carrier Ethernet services, Provider Bridging, 802.1Q Virtual LANs (VLANs), QinQ tagging, Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS), G.8032 Ethernet Ring Protection (ERP), Link Aggregation Groups (LAGs), and Quality of Service (QoS) policies. The course also includes multiple hands-on lab exercises where students implement and monitor Layer 2 services on 1830 PSS using the Ethernet Service Module (ESM), of the Network Functions Manager for Transport (NFM-T).

Course objectives

After completing the course, students should be able to:

  • Discuss the Nokia Integrated Packet Transport over WDM solution and typical applications
  • Describe the SR OS service model
  • Explain Carrier Ethernet services and terminology
  • Describe Ethernet bridging and MAC learning
  • Explain 802.1Q VLANs and Q-in-Q tagging
  • Configure and monitor a VPLS in a Provider Bridge 1830 PSS network
  • Work with the Ethernet Services Manager (ESM) on NFM-T
  • Describe Ethernet OAM capabilities (CFM, S-OAM, L-OAM, Performance Monitoring) available on 1830 PSS



  • Perform Ethernet OAM tasks in an 1830 PSS-based network
  • Describe G.8032 ERP
  • Configure and monitor ERP in an 1830 PSS-based network
  • Describe LAG and MC-LAG
  • Configure and monitor LAG and MC-LAG in an 1830 PSS-based network
  • Configure MC-LAG with ERP in an 1830 PSS-based network
  • Describe QoS capabilities available in an 1830 PSS-based network

Course modules

  • Module 0 – Course Introduction
  • Module 1 – Introduction to Layer 2 Services on 1830 PSS
  • Module 2 – Ethernet Bridging and Virtual LANs (VLANs)
  • Module 3 – Ethernet Operations, Administration and
    Maintenance (OAM)


  • Module 4 – G.8032 Ethernet Ring Protection (ERP)
  • Module 5 – Link Aggregation Groups (LAG)
  • Module 6 – Quality of Service (QoS)

Schedule and registration

Nokia Integrated Packet Transport over WDM

Price for this course is €3200 per seat

Duration: 4 days

Course dates Sort descending Delivery Format Virtual Time Zone or Course Location Language Registration
- Virtual instructor-led Tokyo - JST English (US) Register Now
- Virtual instructor-led Chicago - CST English (US) Register Now
- Virtual instructor-led Paris - CET English (US) Register Now
- Virtual instructor-led New Delhi - IST English (US) Register Now
- Virtual instructor-led Chicago - CST English (US) Register Now
- Virtual instructor-led Paris - CET English (US) Register Now
- Virtual instructor-led Tokyo - JST English (US) Register Now

Nokia Optical Network Certification (ONC) Program and Confidentiality Agreement

Review the confidentiality agreement.