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Nokia Academic Partnership Program


The Nokia Academic Partnership Program is an IP technology and education program for colleges and universities to help students around the world prepare for high-demand jobs in the field of network communications and engineering. Through enrollment in college/university courses comprised of training material and lab facilities provided by Nokia, students will acquire practical, hands-on knowledge of modern IP network technology, implementation, and best practices.

Nokia SRC logo

Program highlights

The Academic Partnership Program puts Nokia Service Router technology and learning material directly in the hands of colleges, universities, and the enrolled student body. Course material and labs from Nokia's Service Routing Certification (SRC) program provide the learning foundation for the program and become an integrated part of the university’s course curriculum. With the help of Nokia, local university instructors become trained and certified to teach the SRC course(s) and corresponding lab sessions during the semester. Classroom sizes are flexible and capable of supporting colleges and universities of all sizes.

To learn more about the Nokia SRC program and its available courses and certifications, please visit In most cases, the primary college/university focus will be on entry-level and intermediate courses from the NRS I and NRS II certification tracks.

Academic Partnership Program benefits

For the academic institution (college or university)

  • Access to leading-edge industry technology, information, and subject matter expertise
  • Curriculum based on well established, proven course content and lab guides developed by Nokia
  • Access to Nokia hosted labs and equipment – No direct university investment in equipment CAPEX and OPEX


For Students

  • Real-world training based on state-of-the-art technology
  • Stimulating learning environment with practical, hands-on lab access and training
  • Job placement and career opportunity with Nokia and/or hundreds of global companies using Nokia Service Router products and technology
  • Option for Nokia industry certification

Academic Partnership Program offering

Primary elements of the offer include

Interested in becoming a partner?

If you represent an academic institution and are interested in becoming a Nokia Academic Partner and would like further information about the program, please send an email including your contact information to Someone will then contact you directly.