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Roadside cloud and wireless access



Roadside cloud and wireless access

Prepare highways and tunnels for the future of mobility

Our roadside cloud and wireless access network solutions enable road operators to improve traffic flow and safety and support fully connected highway travel. They can help you roll out new roadside services to address evolving intelligent transportation system (ITS) demands and use vehicle-to-everything communication to meet the needs of autonomous vehicles.

Challenge: Support safe, on-time and connected highway journeys

Road congestion, fatalities and technology evolution are big issues for highway operators. ITS deployments have brought important improvements. But congestion is rising. Traffic accidents still claim too many lives. And autonomous vehicles are poised to change road travel forever. As a road operator, your challenge is to determine how to use technology to improve traffic flow and safety and prepare for a fast-approaching, automated future.

Solution: Use edge computing to transform roadside services

Our roadside cloud solution helps you address your big challenges by bringing scalable processing power and storage to the roadside. This edge computing platform lets you extend your critical communications infrastructure and use real-time data to support ultra-responsive roadside services. You can use these capabilities to make highways and tunnels safer, reduce congestion and seize opportunities created by connected vehicles.

Keep traffic safe

Detect dangerous situations as they arise by correlating and analyzing data from roadside and in-vehicle systems

Keep traffic on time

Detect emerging congestion and provide real-time updates and guidance that help travelers avoid it

Keep traffic connected

Use agile development and rapid onboarding to roll out services that meet the demands of connected travelers and autonomous vehicles

How our solution changes roadside technology

Our solution provides a unique combination of application, virtualization and network capabilities that enables you to deploy advanced roadside services in a secure and agile way. With the roadside cloud, you can:

  • Use a scalable platform to host multiple critical and less-critical roadside applications including today’s virtualized weather detection, traffic detection and traffic analytics applications, along with tomorrow’s automated driving applications and in-car entertainment services
  • Expand your service offer by choosing from an extensive catalogue of applications from Nokia and well-known traffic technology providers
  • Onboard new applications quickly with our AppFactory framework
  • Get the ultra-low latency you need for real-time applications by taking advantage of virtualized Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) technology
  • Support automated vehicles with V2X communication
  • Address current and future infotainment demands with high-performance mobile broadband connectivity
  • Run your cloud on any standard x86 hardware, including the outdoor-hardened Nokia AirFrame open edge server

The roadside cloud is technology agnostic and can be fully integrated into your wired and wireless communications infrastructure. It is made up of open technologies that comply with 3GPP and ETSI standards and give you the flexibility to evolve in step with future demands.



Bring roadside services into the future

Read our full use case to learn more about how our roadside cloud and wireless access solutions can help you improve traffic flow and safety and keep pace with the growing demands of connected vehicles and travelers.

Download the full use case

Discover our building blocks for the roadside cloud




More insights on our critical communication solutions for highways