At Bell Labs, I currently work on projects related to using reinforcement learning for solving various resource allocation and scheduling problems in edge cloud networks augmented with compute located on drones.
Before joining Bell Labs in 2021, I received my PhD and MS in Computer Science with a focus on networked systems from University of Utah in US. My advisors were Kobus Van der Merwe and Robert Ricci.
Selected Articles and Publications
- M. Akbari, A. Syed, W. Kennedy, M. Kantarci. “AoI and Energy Aware SFC in UAV-Aided MEC using Asynchronous Federated Learning”. 2022. (In submission)
- A. Nguyen, T. Pamuklu, A. Syed, W. Kennedy, M. Kantarci. “Deep Reinforcement Learning for Task Offloading in UAV-Aided Smart Farm Networks”. 2022. (In submission)
- A. Nguyen, T. Pamuklu, A. Syed, W. Kennedy, M. Kantarci. “Reinforcement Learning-Based Deadline and Battery-Aware Offloading in Smart Farm IoT-UAV Networks”. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). 2022.
- A. Syed, J. Cho, P. Sharma, J. Van der Merwe. “Orchestrating for E2E Application Performance in Uncertain Serverless Ecosystems”. (Technical Report and Thesis at University of Utah)
- A. Syed, B. Anwer, V. Gopalakrishnan, J. Van der Merwe. “DEPO: A Platform for Safe DEployment of POlicy in a Software Defined Infrastructure”. In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on SDN Research (SOSR). 2019
- A. Syed and J. Van der Merwe. “Proteus: A network service control platform for service evolution in a mobile software defined infrastructure”. In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom). 2016.
- R. Quinn, J. Kunz, A. Syed, J. Breen, S. Kasera, R. Ricci, and J. Van der Merwe. “KnowNet: Towards a Knowledge Plane for Enterprise Network Management”. In Proceedings of the Ninth IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS). 2016.