Alexandre Shen, born 1970, obtained his engineer’s degree from the Institute of Optics Graduate School, Orsay, in 1994 and received his Ph.D from the University of Paris XI, Orsay, in 1998. His Ph.D work was on gain-switched or Q-switched multi-section laser diodes including a saturable absorber section. He was hired by Alcatel Alsthom Recherche in 1998 to work on InP-based electro-absorption modulator and Mach-Zehnder modulators. Then with Alcatel-CIT Research and Innovation, he worked on high speed saturable absorbers. Since 2006, with III-V Lab, he has been involved in quantum dash based mode-locked frequency comb sources for coherent WDM applications or injection locked laser diodes for access applications. Since 2009 he focused his research on PICs (Photonic Integrated Circuit), either on InP or on Si. He’s been a member of Alcatel-Lucent Technical Academy since 2001. He is author or co-author of more than 100 peer reviewed research papers (in conference or in journal) and of 16 published patents. He served in the technical committee n°8 for the OFC conference from 2008 to 2010. He led the ANR ASTERIX and TONICS projects, and has participated in numerous other ANR or European projects.
- Habilitation à diriger les recherches = a post-PhD degree in the French education system (2008)
- Ph.D, Université Paris 11 (1998)
- Master degree, Université Paris 11 (1994)
- Engineer's degree, Institut d'Optique Graduiate School (1994)
58 international conference papers (complete list on request)
- ECOC 2008, PD, “ Polarisation insensitive injection locked Fabry-Perot laser diodes for 2.5Gb/s WDM access applications”, Shen, A.; Make, D.; Poingt, F.; Legouezigou, L.; Pommereau, F.; Legouezigou, O.; Landreau, J.; Rousseau, B.; Lelarge, F.; Guang-Hua Duan
- ECOC 2008, Post-deadline paper Th.3.D.4,“Error-free transmission of 8 WDM channels at 10 Gbit/s using comb generation in a quantum dash based mode-locked laser”, Akrout, A.; Shen, A.; Brenot, R.; Van Dijk, F.; Legouezigou, O.; Pommereau, F.; Lelarge, F.; Ramdane, A.; Duan, G.-H.
- ECOC 2007: Post-Deadline Paper 2.6, “Nearly Fourier-transform limited tunnel injection quantum dash modelocked Fabry-Perot laser module for tuneable pulse generation”, A. Shen, J-G. Provost, F. Blache, H. Gariah, F. Mallécot, O. Le Gouezigou, A. Accard, F. Poingt, L. Le Gouezigou, F. Pommereau, B. Rousseau, F. Lelarge and G-H. Duan, European Conference on Optical Communications, Berlin, RFA, 16-20/09/2007
- OFC 2007, PDP1, “Cascadability and wavelength tunability assessment of a 2R regeneration device based on a 8 channel saturable absorber module”, L. Bramerie, Q.T. Le, S. Lobo, M. Gay, M. Joindot, J.C. Simon, A. Poudoulec, M. van der Keur, C. Devemy, D. Massoubre, J.-L. Oudar, G. Aubin, J. Dion, A. Shen, J. Decobert, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Anaheim, USA, 2007
33 Journal papers
- JLT 2011, “Up to 427 GHz All Optical Frequency Down-Conversion Clock Recovery Based on Quantum-Dash Fabry–Perot Mode-Locked Laser”,Costa e Silva, M.; Lagrost, A.; Bramerie, L.; Gay, M.; Besnard, P.; Joindot, M.; Simon, J.-C.; Shen, A.; Guan-Hua Duan Lightwave Technology, Journal of Volume: 29 , Issue: 4 , Page(s): 609 – 615
- JLT 2011, “Spectral Filtering Characteristics of a Quantum-Dash Fabry-Pérot Laser and Its Implications on 40 Gb/s XPM Based Optical Retiming Performance”,Xuefeng Tang; Sung Han Chung; Karar, A.S.; Cartledge, J.C.; Shen, A.; Guang-Hua Duan, Lightwave Technology, Journal of, Volume: 29 , Issue: 1 , Page(s): 31 - 36
- Bell Labs Technical Journal 2009, “High Performance InP-Based Quantum Dash Semiconductor Mode-Locked Lasers for OpticalCommunications”, Guang-Hua Duan, Alexandre Shen, Akram Akrout, Frédéric Van Dijk, Francois Lelarge, Frédéric Pommereau, Odile LeGouezigou, Jean-Guy Provost, Harry Gariah, Fabrice Blache, Franck Mallecot, Kamel Merghem, Anthony Martinez, and Abderrahim Ramdane
- “New design of InGaAs-InGaAlAs MQW electroabsorption modulator for high-speed all-optical wavelength conversion”, N. El Dahdah; J. Decobert; A. Shen; S. Bouchoule; C. Kazmierski; G. Aubin; B.-E. Benkelfat; A. Ramdane; IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Volume 16, Issue 10, Oct. 2004 Page(s):2302 – 2304
- “Reduced Timing Jitter of Two-section 1.55-µm Laser Diodes Under Gain-/Loss-Switching Regime at Multigigahertz Rates”, A. Shen, S. Bouchoule, C. Cuisin, P. Crozat, J.-M. Lourtioz, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 10, No. 12, December 1998, pp.1694-1696
- APL 1998, *“Ultrafast excitonic saturable absorption in ion-implanted InGaAs/InAlAs multiple quantum wells”, E. Lugagne-Delpon, J.-L. Oudar, N. Bouché, R. Raj, A. Shen, N. Stelmakh, J.-M. Lourtioz, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 72, No. 7, 16 February 1998 *“High Energy Coherent Chirped Pulses from Multisection Laser Diode with Thick Active Layer”, A. Shen, N. Stelmakh, J.-M. Lourtioz, S. Bonnefont, F. Lozes-Dupuy, B. Dagens, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 8, No. 1, January 1996, pp.43-45
- “Structure with saturable optical absorbent for devices for regenerating optical signals”; French patent No. 05 07321, “Structure à absorbant saturable pour dispositif de régénération de signaux optiques”, Alexandre Shen, 08/07/2005; “Saturable absorber based fully 2R WDM all optical regenerator”, Priority number(s): FR20050007321 20050708, n° FR2888430 (2007-01-12), EP1742102 (2007-01-10), CN1893322 (2007-01-10)
- “Integrated circuit for optical 2R and 3R”, Alexandre Shen, Nabil Sahri, Jean-Yves Emery ; “Monolithic semiconductor component for regenerating optical signals”, US2003228155 (2003-12-11); EP1372278 (2003-12-17); FR2840746 (2003-12-12); US 44594903 A (2005/05/27)
- “Tb/s WDM saturable absorbers”, Alexandre Shen, “Saturable light absorber structure and a device incorporating the structure for regenerating a wavelength division multiplexed signal”, Alexandre Shen, Denis Leclerc, US2003043484 (2003-03-06); “Optical saturable absorber and its use for regenerating a wavelength division multiplexed signal”, EP1291707 (2003-03-12); FR2829246 (2003-03-07)
- “WDM saturable absorbers”, Alexandre Shen, --- « Optical saturable absorber and its use for regenerating a wavelength division multiplexed signal », FR2820517 (2002-08-09); EP1229588 (2002-08-07); JP2002277910 (2002-09-25); “Saturable optical absorber, and an application thereof to regenerating a wavelength division multiplexed signal”, US2002105743 (2002-08-08)
- “Optical modulation rate multiplication of optical sources”, Alexandre Shen, Patrick Brindel, FR 01 01572, 06/02/2001; FIT 103 140, 11/04/2000
- “2R all-optical regenerator compatible with either NRZ or RZ format”, Patrick Brindel, Stéphanie Barré, Denis Pennincks, Alexandre Shen, 20/11/2000; EP 00 440 301.0, ; --- « Optical power equalizer », US2002060838 (2002-05-23); “Optical power equalization using a gain clamped semiconductor optical amplifier”, EP1248390 (2002-10-09)
- “Optical RZ to NRZ conversion”, Alexandre Shen, Fabrice Devaux, FR 00 12728, 05/10/2000; --- « Optical signal converter from RZ format to NRZ format », US2002041408 (2002-04-11); FR2815202 (2002-04-12)
- “Optical NRZ to RZ conversion”, Alexandre Shen, Fabrice Devaux, Tolga Tekin, Michael Schlak, FR2809497, 23/05/2000;(EP1158352, 28/11/200), US6625338, « Optical NRZ-RZ format converter », Application No 852175 filed 10/05/2001, issued 23/09/2003); (JP2002031825, « Optical NRZ-RZ format converter », 31/01/2002) US2002018612 (2002-02-14) , FR2809497 (2001-11-30)
- “Optical Power Limitor”, Alexandre Shen, FR99 12 142 29/09/1999; EP00402655.5-2211, 26/09/2000– “Optical Power Limitor”, EP1089467 (2001-04-04); JP2001142038 (2001-05-25); CA2319964 (2001-03-29); FR2799067 (2001-03-30)
- “Optical Differentiator”, Alexandre Shen, Jean-Guy Provost, Fabrice Devaux, Bernd Sartorius, Tolga Tekin, Michael Schlak, Christopher Janz, FR99 10 073, 03/08/1999; FIT 102 449, 17/03/1999, « Optical differentiation device », US6628855 (2003-09-30); WO0110045 (2001-02-08); EP1145446 (2001-10-17); “Différenciateur optique”, FR2797331 (2001-02-09)
- « Dispositif de régénération d’un signal multiplexé en longueurs d’onde comprenant un absorbant saturable », FR 98 12 430, Fabrice Devaux, Alexandre Shen, Philippe Pagnod-Rossiaux, Paul Salet, Christophe Starck, 5/10/1998, “Saturable absorber-based regeneration device for a WDM signal”. -- « Device including a saturable absorber for regenerating a wavelength-division multiplex », AU5267599 (2000-04-06); “Reproducing device for wavelength divided and multiplexed signal including saturable absorber”, JP2000111965 (2000-04-21); “Device including a saturable absorber for regenerating a wavelength-division multiplex signal”, US6609839 (2003-08-26); “Device for regenerating a wavelength division multiplexed signal comprising a saturable absorber”, EP0992842 (2000-04-12), FR2784202 (2000-04-07); “Device for regenerating a wavelength-multiplexed signal including a saturable absorbent”, CA2282938 (2000-04-05)
- Photonic component & circuit design, process follow-up & characterization
- Projects management
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