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Azimeh Sefidcon

Azimeh Sefidcon

Head of Network Systems and Security Research

Stockholm, Sweden

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I am currently focused on the network system software at the heart of the network, building simplicity and security into the end-to-end system. From natural language processing to a variety of AI/ML techniques on one side and security-threat modeling and privacy techniques on the other side, I zoom in on extended computing, knowledge services, network adaptation, decentralized systems and autonomous services. This not only makes the network simple and secure but also makes the network a reliable actor that provides simplicity and security in multi-actor ecosystems.

I am passionate about discoveries, predicting and building future technologies. I like to combine insights on technology and business with new ways of operation to compose a solid vision for the future.

I like to see theories come to life and make a difference in products, services and solutions. I have been on this journey for many years, sketching compelling visions, setting long-term strategies and short-term execution structures, prototyping, coding, testing, integrating and installing. And I engage with customers. Nothing is more exciting than leading a brilliant group of people, all with the same passion for discovery and novelty.


I received my first degree in electrical engineering with focus on computing hardware and M.Sc in electrical engineering with focus on intelligent networks and Ph.D in electrical engineering with focus on convergence of mobile and IP network from Concordia university, Canada in 1998 and 2007 respectively. I have held various technology leadership positions in IT and Telecom industry.

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