I received the M.Sc. degree in electronics and telecommunications from the Technical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland, in 2004. In years 2002-2003 I was with the Technical University of Denmark, COM. My work was dedicated to modeling of electro-absorption modulators and optical signal labeling. In years 2004-2008, I was pursuing his Ph.D. degree at the Osaka University, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka, Japan. The topic of the doctoral dissertation was "Waveform Sampling-Based Optical Performance Monitoring of Phase-Modulated Signals". I subsequently did research on optical core network at NTT Network Innovation Laboratories in Yokosuka, Japan.
Since January 2011 I have been in Bell Labs, access group working on network architecture and high-speed interconnects.
- Osaka University PhD., Electrical Engineering
2004 – 2008 - Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
2001 – 2003 - Technical University of Lodz M.Sc., Telecommunications and Computer Science
1998 – 2003
- B. Kozicki, A. Maruta, and K. Kitayama, “Transparent performance monitoring of RZ-DQPSK systems employing delay-tap sampling,” Journal of Optical Networking, Vol. 6, No. 11, pp. 1257 – 1269, (Nov. 2007).
- B. Kozicki, A. Maruta, and K. Kitayama, “Experimental demonstration of optical performance monitoring for RZ-DPSK signals using delay-tap sampling method,” Optics Express, Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 3566 – 3576, (Mar. 2008).
- B. Kozicki, T. Ohara, and H. Takara, “Optical Performance Monitoring of Phase-Modulated Signals Using Asynchronous Amplitude Histogram Analysis,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 26, No. 10, pp. 1353 – 1361, (May 2008).
- B. Kozicki, A. Maruta, K. Kitayama, “Experimental Investigation of Delay-Tap Sampling Technique for Online Monitoring of RZ-DQPSK Signals,” Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 179 – 181, (Feb. 2009).
- M. Jinno, H. Takara, B. Kozicki, “Spectrum-Efficient and Scalable Elastic Optical Path Network: Architecture, Benefits, and Enabling Technologies,” IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 47, No 11, pp 66-73, Nov. 2009.
- B. Kozicki, H. Takara, Y. Tsukishima, T. Yoshimatsu, K. Yonenaga, and M. Jinno, “Experimental Demonstration of Spectrum-Sliced Elastic Optical Path Network (SLICE),” accepted to Optics Express.
- M. Jinno, B. Kozicki, Y. Sone, Y. Tsukishima, and T. Sakano, “Virtualized Optical Network Concept and Its Support of Agile and Flexible Cloud Computing Environments,” IEICE Trans. Commun., Vol. E93-B, No 3, pp. 470-477, Mar. 2010.
- M. Jinno, B. Kozicki, H. Takara, A. Watanabe, Y. Sone, T. Tanaka, and A. Hirano, “Distance-Adaptive Spectrum Resource Allocation in Spectrum-Sliced Elastic Optical Path Network,” IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 48, No. 8, pp 138-145, Aug 2010.
- Y. Sone, A. Watanabe, W. Imajuku, Y. Tsukishima, B. Kozicki, H. Takara, and M. Jinno, “Bandwidth Squeezed Restoration in Spectrum-Sliced Elastic Optical Path Networks (SLICE),” submitted to Journal of Optical Communications and Networking.
- B. Kozicki, H. Takara, Y. Tsukishima, T. Yoshimatsu, T. Kobayashi, K. Yonenaga, and M. Jinno, “Optical Path Aggregation for 1 Tb/s Transmission in Spectrum-Sliced Elastic Optical Path Network,” Photonics Technology Letters Vol. 22, No. 17, pp. 1315 – 1317, (Sep. 2010).
- M. Jinno, H. Takara, B. Kozicki, “Dynamic and Bandwidth-Scalable Optical Network Architecture and Its supporting Technologies,” IEICE Trans. Commun., B Vol. J93-B No. 3 pp 403-411, Mar. 2010.
1. B. Kozicki “Optical Performance Monitoring of Optical Phase-Modulated Signals,” in Optical Performance Monitoring – Advanced Techniques for Next-Generation Photonic Networks, Academic Press 2010.