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Benoist Sebire

Benoist Sebire

Senior Specialist Standardization

Tokyo, Japan

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Since joining Nokia Research Center in 1998, Benoist has been a key contributors to 3GPP standards, first working on the physical layer of 2G and 3G, and then on the radio protocols of 3G, 4G, 5G, and now 6G. His expertise predominantly lies in the user plane with a recent focus on XR technologies. First in 2005 and then in 2017, Benoist has been entrusted by the 3GPP community to take care of the Stage 2 specification of 4G and 5G respectively. The descriptions, figures, and call flows Benoist has created were stepping stones to the success of 4G and 5G, and have been widely used in all kinds of publications and articles ever since. Presently, Benoist is proud to lead an exceptional team of 20 delegates representing Nokia in 3GPP TSG RAN WG2 (RAN2), as well as to serve as Work Item Rapporteur for XR. Lastly, Benoist is one of the top Nokia inventors, holding approximately 300 patent families with over 1,550 applications filed across 40 jurisdictions worldwide.


MSc in Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering, ENSSAT (France)

Awards and Recognition
  • Outstanding Inventor in All Time Declarations (2022)
  • Distinguished Member of Technical Staff (2021)
  • Business Excellence Award (2021)
  • Outstanding Achievement in Standard Essential Patents (2021, 2020)
  • Inventor of the Year (2015, 2013, 2012, 2011)
  • Industry Environment Excellence Award (2008)
  • National Defense Medal (1998)
  • Major de Promotion - Valedictorian (1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997)

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